Tips to Build your Caregiver Resume
A resume is a great way to show case your caregiving skills, work history and accomplishments. Here are some writing tips to help you create a professional caregiver resume that can give you an edge when applying for jobs.
What to Include:
- Name and Contact Details: Make sure your voicemail is set up to record incoming messages!
- Personal Profile: In a few sentences, describe your strengths, qualities and work preferences. Sell yourself!
- Skills and Abilities: In this section, list all of the important skills you use on the job.
- Other Skills: Add other personal skills and talents. This helps employers learn more about you!
- Work History: Focus on all work experiences you’ve had that include a caregiving component. Remember, experience working as an unpaid family caregivers is valuable, and should be included in your resume.
- Education and Training: Include formal education and any training programs you have taken and certifications you hold.
- References: You may include references on your resume or state that references are available on request. Make sure you have a current list of references who have agreed to give a reference.
- Make sure you keep your resume up-to-date so that it is ready when you need it!
Rewarding Work does not require resumes, but recommends uploading one with your applicant profile!
Tips to Prepare for your Caregiver Interview
A job interview can be enjoyable! Here are a few things you can do to make it a good experience, which can lead to a job offer.
- Review the job description and prepare your questions in advance.
- Bring a photo ID to the interview and a typed set of names of people who can, and will, speak about your work skills and habits (references). Include titles, companies, addresses, and telephone numbers. Be sure to get permission from these people in advance to use their names.
- The hiring employer will likely ask you to complete a criminal background check - a standard screening tool that most individual employers, agencies and corporations use as part of the hiring process.
- Be prepared to say why you want the job. Also, be prepared to explain beyond that.
- Ask the interviewer to describe how someone succeeds in the job you're discussing.
- Be honest. If you haven't had a particular experience, just say so. Most employers are willing to train employees who want to learn.
- Dress neatly. The way you present yourself shows others that you care about yourself.
- Be rested and alert. This lets you be who you are.
- If you find you'll be late for the interview, or you can't make it, call as soon as you learn about the change. Remember, everybody's time is valuable!

Tips for After You Are Hired as a Caregiver
When working with a new individual or family, it will take some time to learn what the family needs, how they communicate, and what their expectations are of you. To make this transition smoother you may consider the following things:
- Before you start, make sure that you know your work schedule, pay rate, and details about how and when you will be paid.
- Respect privacy and differences. When working in someone’s home or with a family member it is essential that you respect the privacy of the entire family. Do not talk about the individual or family outside of work. Keep in mind that each family is unique and may not function the way that you do. Family dynamics are unique and at times you may hear or see things that you should not get involved with.
- Keep appropriate boundaries. Even though you may be providing care in someone’s home, remember that this is a working relationship. Be mindful when asking personal questions about the individual or family. Find a balance with friendly conversation and avoid overly disclosing information about your life.
- Ask questions. Find out as much information about job responsibilities and the person you will be providing care for as possible. Do they have a care plan? Do they have allergies? Are there any special medical circumstances? Is there equipment or supplies you need to perform expected tasks? Are there step-by-step instructions for performing tasks? Are there any special tactics for calming down the client if they become agitated? What are their likes and dislikes?
- Be honest about your comfort level. Are you comfortable dressing an individual? Bathing? Feedings? If you are not comfortable, be honest with the family before accepting the position. It’s important that you are confident in your responsibilities and provide quality care.
- Be dependable. Your dependability impacts many people! Individuals and families who need care are dependent on you to be available and on time for work. Remember that oftentimes caring for an individual is a full-time job for these families and they rely on your care!

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Important Reminder!
Please be courteous to potential employers. If you are contacted for a job interview, please be polite whether or not you are sure the position is the one you want. If you have arranged to meet for an interview, it is important to show up on time.
If you cannot make the interview FOR ANY REASON, please contact the employer in advance since they have set aside the time to meet with you. Letting the employer know that you cannot make the interview shows that you are responsible. If we receive complaints from employers that you did not respond to a call or did not show for an interview, your name may be deleted from the applicant list.