Connecting You to Care in Kansas

We Help Kansans Hire Caregivers

Rewarding Work provides you with a comprehensive and current list of people in Kansas who are ready to provide respite and personal care services in your home or community. Rewarding Work is a tool to help seniors and individuals with disabilities connect with respite and personal care workers who are the right fit. Here you will find complete caregiver profiles including: contact information, worker availability for full- or part-time work, specialized training and experience. You can even see if a candidate's schedule meets your need for early mornings, days, evenings, weekends or emergency back-up. Rewarding also offers access to Free Respite Care Provider Training, a nationally recognized training that provides a certificate upon completion. Click here to learn more.

Who Can Use Rewarding Work?

Anyone may use Rewarding Work.  You can purchase a subscription or you may have free access through KanCare.  Rewarding Work subscriptions are free for individuals and families who are members of KanCare. For information on using Rewarding Work to hire through KanCare, or to request your free KanCare access code click here.

Rewarding work connecting to care support you need

Our Kansas Partners

Kansas Lifespan Respite Coalition

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Kansas

Wichita State University

Rewarding Work Kansas was developed in part with funding from

Respite Outreach Care for Kansans Organization





Sign up for a subscription today!


Please Note!

Job candidates in the Rewarding Work database have NOT been screened in any way and their backgrounds have NOT been checked. It is your responsibility as an employer to check references and backgrounds of people you may hire.

KanCare Free Access

If you receive services through KanCare and are considering hiring and managing your own support, you are eligible for a free Access Code subscription. If you are not part of KanCare you can purchase a low-cost subscription

Respite Support

Respite provides short-term relief for primary caregivers.  Care may be provided in your home or in a respite care provider’s home. Respite care enhances the lives of individuals and families.

Hiring Tips

Rewarding Work offers choice, control and affordability to help you make the most of your caregiving budget. Find caregivers with the right experience and skills to meet your needs.

Customize your search to find the type of caregiver you need! 

Personal Care. Transportation to Appointments. Companionship.

Assistance with Specialized Needs.

Respite Care. And More!

Find a Care Job   Hire a Caregiver