Looking for a Caregiver? We Help You Find the Support You Need
Through our accessible, interactive website, individuals and families can find respite, in-home and community support workers from a searchable database. The directory allows families and job applicants to match their interests and locations based on carefully designed criteria to ensure successful matches. The website also includes a job board, where individuals and families may post an ad detailing their specific job needs and receive email responses from interested applicants. The job board is free of charge to Rewarding Work subscribers.
Your State May Be In Our Network
Rewarding Work contracts with a variety of public and private partners to design programs that meet the particular needs of each state, and free subscription programs are determined by each participating state. We currently operate in Connecticut, Kansas and Massachusetts. We hope you will consider joining our growing network of individuals and families who use Rewarding Work as part of directing their own care.
Our Partner States
Visit your state page to learn how your state supports your caregiver search
Partnering with Rewarding Work
Why States Partner with Rewarding Work?
- Many individuals and families need assistance in recruiting paid caregivers, respite workers and direct support staff, and the challenge of recruiting staff will continue to increase in the future. Matching services directories are an important tool for families self-directing their care.
- Rewarding Work’s website offers a shared online platform, allowing partner states to provide a trusted matching services directory at a fraction of the price of a stand-alone directory. Partnership agreement includes customized state website pages; website hosting; automated emails; customer support center; monthly reporting; and basic marketing materials and services. Additional marketing services are available.
For information about partnering with Rewarding Work to bring our website and job board to your state, contact us.